
Who is PirateLord88?

Greetings, fellow adventurers! I’m the mysterious force behind the scenes, known as PirateLord88 or simply Pirate. Why the alias, you ask? Well, a touch of secrecy adds a bit of magic, don’t you think?

In the heart of the United States, my family and I reside in a quaint town of just 300 souls. I’m a family person—blessed with an incredible wife and three enchanting children. Throughout this blog, I’ll share glimpses of our life without revealing too many secrets. After all, a touch of mystery keeps things intriguing.

A few years back, I embarked on a quest to craft the enchanting World of Aeligord. This blog serves as your passport to join me on this magical journey. Expect tales of our humble abode, adventures in remodeling, and the myriad of interests that fuel my imagination.

Speaking of interests, I’m a connoisseur of countless passions—be it the latest in Technology, Fantasy, TV & Movies, and Video Games. When not lost in these realms, you’ll find me outdoors, soaking in the wonders of nature, or tinkering away in my workshop, enhancing our home.
My goal is not just to create a blog but to build a vibrant community—a fellowship bound by shared interests, experiences, and a touch of magic. I’m eager to unfold the chapters of Aeligord’s tale and get to know each of you as we embark on this fantastical journey together!

May the winds of creativity guide us, and may our shared stories weave the fabric of an extraordinary community.

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