New Discoveries!

Welcome back World Builders!!!

This has been an exciting and interesting weekend for me. Today’s post wont be to long but I wanted to talk about a few things I discovered this weekend that had me very excited as well as a few updates!

First, an update, I created myself a deviant art to house all of my artwork that I’m going to be doing for different projects. The main thing on there right now are all of my maps. I felt that I needed a place to display some of the work I’ve done without people needing to go to my world anvil or blog (not that I don’t want you going there). check it out here!

This weekend I went to a few rummages and one of our local used book stores was closing. Every book was $1.00 and if you bought five you got two more for free. This book store also has two parts, a warehouse and the actual store front. In the warehouse you could fill a box of books for only $5.00. I found some amazing books that I wouldn’t have really thought of buying in any other circumstance.

I found some text books on space and planets. This was interesting because it goes into a lot of technical science on everything within our universe. I also found a few books on trees and plants. (My wife thinks I’m crazy) I love these because it can help me create vegetation for my own worlds that are more realistic. All in all, I discovered that old used books can be a great resource no matter where you find them. The cheaper the better! It was a bit eye opening to me to find that old textbooks could be a good resource for world building. If you want to know more specifics on the books I got let me know!

The last and most exciting discovery for this weekend was a new web app. Now I may just be behind on the announcement but I had no idea something like this was in the works. The web app is called Legend Keeper! Its still early access and in development but it is quite amazing for what it is so far. It seems to be a great place to record everything about your world building and might end up being the best competition for World Anvil.

Now I love World Anvil, but I’ve always thought there was a very steep learning curve. Legend Keeper is very easy to use and is fully customizable. It is all based around your maps and your world. There is a built in atlas and wiki that can be linked together. Icarus Games did an amazing overview and tutorial on how to use it this weekend (where I found out about it). Check it out and give him some love here!

If you want to get your hands on legend keeper’s early acces, its only $5.00! Go to the developers Patreon and join now! You wont regret it! I would like to do a post later on that is completely dedicated to Legend Keeper and my experiences around it. Let me know if that would interest you!

Like I said, This is going to be a short post. Next time I would like to talk about a conversation I had with a friend about genres and themes. For now though I want to pass the question off to you! Have you ever found something on a garage sale that you thought was a great resource? Are old text books a good resource? Let me know!

Follow and comment below!!

Until next time…


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